Saturday, November 28, 2009

How do I get taco stains out of my muumuu?

Have you ever seen that show "Junkyard Wars"? Well I decided to invited some of my friends from Bingo over to have "Taco Wars"... relatively futile but rather inventive, if I do say so, myself.

I was working on fashioning a glider out of taco shells glued together with refried beans when it all went wrong. Celia decided to try out her taco breath compressor, and upon switching it on, sent grease and bits of melted jalope甯給-cheddar cheese flying. Margo got the worst of it, and had to go home to have her husband, Boris, pick the dried pieces out of her newly dyed hair... so, she'll not be coming back for the "Lasagna Bots: Battle Royale" this Wednesday.....

I tried washing it with cold water and baking soda, but the grease stains are stubborn, and I really want to wear it when I pit my Sauce-Slinging Pasta Bot agains Sondra's Ragu Warrior.

How do I get taco stains out of my muumuu?

Honestly, I never cared much for Margo. Too needy.

How do I get taco stains out of my muumuu?

Best. Question. Ever.

How do I get taco stains out of my muumuu?

lol Omg, that was the best story ever.

You must try DAWN or Palmolive, it REALLY does the job.

But here's some more help.

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