Thursday, November 26, 2009

Does this character sound horrible to you?

My Addiction to foundation and lip-gloss lead to my self-abuse through high heels and stomach shrinking diets. I cottoned onto the bitchy jokes that were whisper through conditioned hair and made a promise to myself that one day I would be Queen of the crowds.

閳ユ窔 would like everyone to write the name of two people they would like to work with閳?Mrs. Tailor asked the class as she handed out small ripped pieces of paper.

I watched the rest of the class quickly scribble down their mates閳?names. Watching their hand movements I tried to see if anyone would write down my name. I chose not to believe that anyone would, as I never fitted in with any of them.

閳ユ凡ho閳ユ獨 names have you put?閳?said Dan. Known as the fattest kid in the school he was a walking verbal punch bag.

閳ユ窔 don閳ユ獩 know yet閳?I replied. Taking a second look around the room I decided to pick the people who stood out as being less threatening. But there was only Dan and this other kid Harry who couldn閳ユ獩 speak good English that fit

Does this character sound horrible to you?

No. You're a good writer though. Your words flowed together very nicely. You need to remember, especially you since you're writing this story, that it is just a character. Character's can change, for better or for worse. Keep going with what you have. I really like it.

Keep up the good work and good luck.

Does this character sound horrible to you?

sound is horrible, calm is best, if politician sound is better to hime to popular,

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