Thursday, November 26, 2009

Feels as if something was stuck in my throat.?

i have no trouble breathing, eating, swallowing, etc. all that it is is more of an annoyance. i feel no difference. i asked my mom, whos a nurse, my schools nurse, and my cosmetology schools nurse, all who said the same thing, give it a week and go to a doctor, and gargle with salt water. my dad suggested that it was possibly my uvula that was swollen or something to that effect, and mentioned he had something similar happen and that it just went away eventually. i've tried to bring it up or down, neither which works, however, it does feel like it moves up or down at times. and i do get tonsil stones as well. i brought up a few extremely small pieces of those during a class today when the 'thing' in question felt like it was coming out. the nurse at school also suggested i could have scratched it. as well as that, about a week ago i felt like there was a hair in my throat that wasnt there. if anyone has any insight on this without just taking a guess, do give me advice. thanks.

Feels as if something was stuck in my throat.?

This happens to all of us from time to time. The throat, trachea, and esophagus are quite sensitive areas and sometimes a pill can go down almost the wrong way or some food, etc., and it creates the equivalent of a bruise. As long as you are able to eat, drink, breathe, swallow, etc., as you said, it's just an annoyance. These areas as well as the mouth have really fast healing capabilities and I suspect it will resolve itself in just a matter of days, if not sooner. Throat lozenges might provide a soothing effect or chewing gum which generates extra saliva might help it resolve more quickly. If it lasts longer than a week or 10 days then you probably should check with your doctor just to be sure.

Feels as if something was stuck in my throat.?

Patience is key, I've also had this problem, and avoiding dairy products helped me.

Feels as if something was stuck in my throat.?

There might be another stone in there, take a look with a flashlight. I get them too.

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