Saturday, November 28, 2009

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

I swim a lot in the summer and I have long hair, about to the middle of my back. No matter what I do with it or how I tie it up, it comes out and pieces get in my face. Even braids, buns, and ponytails don't work. Besides cutting it, does anyone have any other suggestions??

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

I was about to offer my Goody "Stay Put" suggesstion and then noticed that someone already did. They work perfectly and I have long hair. I recommend conditioning the hell out of your hair with regular conditioner. Don't wash it out. Then pull your hair into a high tight ponytail. Then braid the ponytail and secure the end with another "Stay Put". This keeps your hair taut without inviting it to fly all over the place.

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

I don't think there is an answer. My hair is long and I have to keep putting it back up. If you find a good solution let me know. I will tell you that I put leave in conditioner in my hair before swimming.

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

use your favorite conditioner and pile it on,comb it through and pull your hair up into a high ponytail. besides keeping your hair out of your face, it will block chlorine damage and keep your hair super soft and healthy

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

Wet your hair before you go in the pool, and spray on a leave-in conditioner. Then try 1 or 2 braids, or a chignon [ hair twisted and coiled, with whatever amount of bobby pins ].

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

It may not be the most stylish thing, but if you're desperate, maybe you could try a swim cap. Just a sugestion.

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

either use a swimming ca (sold at you local mass mart store) or wear it in a Giant braid goin all tha way back, it will look like a french braid. hope this helps.

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

ok if u know somebody to can french braid really good and tight it will stay up i have to french braid my hair all the time cause nobody in my fam. knows how and i did have long hair down to my bellly button and the old heifer at walmart cut it all off like 3 inches shorter that i told her to and now it is above my shoulders!

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

hair pins. my hair is so piecey i get what you mean. but if you use a hair tie and some hair pins you'll be good for sure.

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

Buy one of those hair bands that is a complete circle of hard plastic, shaped like a bunch of Ws connected. They will stay forever. Always get your hair wet and put a leave in conditioner so your hair soaks up the conditioner instead of the junk in the water.

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

Speedo [TM] makes swim caps for people with longer hair. There are only 3 colors, but to have *anything* available is a vast improvement.

Here's a link to one of many, many places that offer them online:

Also, ebay has a French-braid aid available, actually two, I've read good reviews of this one and am waiting for mine to arrive:

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

Even though they aren't chic city, swim caps were invented for a reason.

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

Goody has "Stay put" hair ties that should work. They work for me and I have hair down to the middle of my butt. Good luck.

What should I do with my hair when I am swimming?

You can use a swim cap. Just put your hair up and put on the cap and your done.

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