Saturday, November 28, 2009

I am an Atl couture costume jewelry designer. What is the best way to get discovered and display my

I specialize in making really affordable unique necklace, earrings and bracelets sets and individual pieces.

Vibrant colors and earthtones shades are what my swanky designs are all about. I specialize in accessories with colors that are hard to find.

I have been told on many occassions that my pieces are simply unique! Women love my collections. Husbands of wifes who buy my pieces, love my work.

I need help with exposure. I would love to introduce my collection to anchor women of the world (especially in ATL). My dream is to see my pieces worn on women news casters, in hair magazines, in small and large boutiques, and in at least one major department store.

I am an Atl couture costume jewelry designer. What is the best way to get discovered and display my jewelry?

Write your local newstations and ask if the newscasters can wear your jewelry in exchange for giving you credit at the end of the show. Set up a website where people can browse and shop. Go to local clothing shops or consignment stores and ask if they will display your stuff. You can sell your stuff on ebay. You can do home parties and try to get the guests to host them at their houses, etc. Sign up to do local craft shows.

I am an Atl couture costume jewelry designer. What is the best way to get discovered and display my jewelry?

a mall set -up

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